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Materials This is the home page for Casco Bay Flotilla Materials. You can use the menu to find what you are looking for or read down through this page for more information to what is available and use the links here to where you want to go. Information on Uniforms can be found on the menu item Uniforms with submenu items for each uniform. Uniform Procurement Guide can be found on the Forms and Manuals Page . This Link "Overview of Coast Guard Auxiliary Uniforms" opens a PDF document converted from PowerPoint to Adobe PDF format on Auxiliary Uniforms. This Link "Auxiliary Ribbons and Medals" opens a PDF document on Auxiliary Ribbons and Medals. Forms and Manuals - This page is in four sections. 1. Forms that are not available on the National Forms Website. There are links here to the District Forms website that has forms that are for just our District. There are also links to National and District Materials Catalog that you can download to your computer. You can use the information from these two Catalogs to order item you need through our Materials Officer. Links to Flotilla Forms are also here. 2. Instructions for using Regular Forms that are on the National Forms Website. There are two links on this page. The first is to the Coast Guard Auxiliary's National Forms Site which has many links on it. The second link it to the Regular Forms Page that list all the form. Form on this page can be downloaded to your computer to be use over again but it is suggest that you just link to the form so that you will have the most up to date revision of the form. 3. Instructions for using Emailable Forms and links to them that are on the National Forms Website are in this section. Remember that Emailable Forms have to be done on line. There is a lot of helpful information on this page for using Emailable Forms. 4. The Additional comments section will help you know were to look for other items you may be looking for in regards to form and manuals. Flotilla Online Order Form - This is an online order form that you can order materials with. Using the ANSC Catalog or District Materials catalog you can place an order with our FSO/MA using this form. You can also use this form to order Forms in printed copy if you can not download them from the National Forms website. Staff Officer Report Form - This link is for Staff Officer to help make it easier for them to send in monthly reports. They are sent right from the website to all Staff officer, FC, VFC, and IPFC. Staff Officer submitting the report will also get a copy that they can forward to their Division counterpart making this report form one that will cover everything for them. Software Links - This page has many links to free software that the Auxiliary uses. You can find on this page links to Free viewers for MS Excel and PowerPoint plus many other links that may be useful.
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